What does the Ireland flag mean?

Every nation has an official symbol. We are all familiar with the three vertical stripes of green, white, and orange that make up Ireland’s flag. What do the Ireland flag colours represent? Green: symbolizes the Catholic Christian religion. Orange: represents the Protestant Christian religion. White: stands for the union between Catholics and Protestants. The Ireland…

English vocabulary: renting rooms and accommodation!

Are you about to join the thousands of people looking for a home in Dublin? Here is the essential vocabulary and expressions you will need for this exciting Journey 1. The local area and the type of property A penthouse is a flat on the top floor of a tall building.   Development is a residential area where the properties have all been planned and built at the same time.  To…

Meeting people all over the world makes you a more awesome person

Why would anyone want to be friends with someone who lives hundreds of kilometres away? Why not call your long-time best friend from school? The benefits much exceed the disadvantages.Here are some reasons why having friends from all over the world will make you a more wonderful person overall: 1 You never stop learning The…

The Importance of Networking as a Student!

Opportunity comes through relationship building. Yes. You should start networking right now! What is networking? To put it simply, networking is meeting and making contacts with other people. It is explicitly used to form business relationships and identify, create, or even pursue business opportunities such as expanding into international markets. Why is it important? Many…

How to improve your English pronunciation!

Pronunciation is an element of language learning that is sometimes overlooked, but it is a critical skill to master. Even if you have great grammar and a large vocabulary, communicating will be difficult if no one can understand you. If you are fortunate enough to attend an English school in Ireland, your teacher should be…

Why do people love studying English in Dublin?

It’s no secret why so many English language students choose to learn English in Dublin, Ireland. Coming to Dublin isn’t just about improving your English; it’s about using it in real-life situations, making friends, and discovering all the extraordinary sights of this amazing place. One of the reasons why Dublin is such a great study-abroad…


Practice, practice, practice. As we’ve seen, there’s no magic way to learn English instantly. You’ll have to work at it a lot. Let’s face it, academic phrases won’t just fall from heaven and straight into your brain. Even if your English is already quite good, don’t be complacent and underestimate stressful factors such as the…

IRP: Student Visa Stamp 2

Many students are afraid of going abroad, mainly because of immigration. But remember: you are not doing anything wrong. So there’s no need to be afraid. Just smile and be happy! When you arrive at the airport, you will go through immigration. Documents must be presented to the immigration officer: School letter, Proof of 3,000…

We are hiring. Job search and employment concept. Magnified glass with jobs classified ads in newspaper, 3d illustration

Jobs in Ireland!

To settle down in a new city, you might need to find a job as soon as possible. Foreign students generally start by working in casual jobs, which pay a good salary, usually above the European average. In this case, the most convenient way to get a job in Ireland is to go out looking…

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Reasons to love Dublin! 🍀

Dublin is the capital of Ireland, also known as the Emerald Isle. Dublin is multicultural, cosmopolitan and full of amazing diversity. Here we will list some good reasons why you should choose Dublin as a home. English-speaking country After the UK leave the Eurozone, Ireland is now the only English-speaking country in the Eurozone. Which…