We are hiring. Job search and employment concept. Magnified glass with jobs classified ads in newspaper, 3d illustration

Jobs in Ireland!

To settle down in a new city, you might need to find a job as soon as possible. Foreign students generally start by working in casual jobs, which pay a good salary, usually above the European average.

In this case, the most convenient way to get a job in Ireland is to go out looking for vacancies and deliver resumes in pubs and restaurants. You can also get a job by referral.

It is very common for a roommate or a schoolmate to say that the place where they work is in need of people. So networking is important!

Also, look for groups and jobs in Ireland on Facebook. You can also apply for jobs on employment websites in Ireland. We list the main ones below:

– Indeed.ie

Jobs on Facebook Facebook Groups
– Linkedin

CV | Before applying for a job, don’t forget to tailor your CV. This is important as it is your first and maybe only direct communication with a potential employer.

Your CV must be clear and organized. Information such as nationality, languages and professional experience abroad is essential for potential employers to know.

Including information such as your PPS number or a photo is not mandatory. However, it is very important to put the type of visa next to the nationality, for example: “Mexican – Stamp 2” or “Brazilian – EU Citizenship”.

Career Guidance: We can help you take the next steps in your professional life (interview preparation / CV preparation). Count on us! Book an appointment with a member of our team to help you reach the next level.