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Why English is essential for your career!

English has traditionally been regarded as a “soft” science, but to succeed, international businesses and individuals must understand and communicate effectively in English. In this post, I will discuss why English is important for your career.

• New Opportunities

Speaking English opens up a plethora of new opportunities in both your professional and personal life. Employers will see that you’ve learned a foreign language, such as English, and that you’re dedicated and have a work/study ethic. It also demonstrates that you are a dedicated and hard-working individual.

• Most language used in the business world

The capacity to convey oneself fluently in both written and oral forms of language is critical for career advancement. English is the most often used language in the business world, so knowing it is one of the most vital employability skills.

• Communicate on a global scale

Another reason why English is vital for your career is the ability to communicate on a global scale. Many people all around the world are aware that if you want to thrive on an international level, you must be able to speak and write in English. If you learn English now, you will have a better career; you will reach success faster than others who do not know how to speak or write in English.

• Easier to travel to different nations

The final reason English is vital for a profession is that it makes it easier to travel to different nations. You will have an easier experience studying abroad if you are an international student. Your life will improve if you have more opportunities to travel and make acquaintances with people from various nations.
As previously stated, English is vital for a career because it increases your chances of finding a decent job and earning a higher salary, as well as improving your skills. These are the top ten reasons why learning English is beneficial to your job.

If you are interested in learning English in Dublin, we would love to see you at Liffey College soon!

Contact Liffey College today to learn more about our English language courses in Dublin.

English for Everyone!

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