What is English for Academic Purposes?

English for Academic Purposes (EAP) is a type of English language instruction designed to help students develop the skills they need to succeed in an academic setting.

It focuses on the language and literacy skills needed to understand and communicate effectively in an academic setting, including reading, writing, listening, and speaking. It also helps students develop the study skills they need to be successful in their courses.

Why study English for academic purposes?

Studying English for academic purposes is highly beneficial and can help you achieve your academic goals.

English is the primary language of communication in academia and many professions, so learning English can help you communicate more effectively with your peers, professors, and colleagues. With a better understanding of the English language, you can improve your writing, reading, and critical thinking skills, which can help you succeed in various academic settings. 

Additionally, English is the language of international business and is widely used in the global economy, so being proficient in English can open up new career opportunities and help you stand out in the job market.

Study, Live & Work in Dublin!

Support yourself during your studies with a part-time job. Work 20 hours per week (and up to 40 hours during certain months of the year) to support yourself while you study. There are plenty of job opportunities in Dublin, particularly in customer service and hospitality.

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