Travel English: vocabulary, phrases & airport questions!

Travel is one of the most frequent reasons for studying a second language. It’s crucial to know the English language to get around in an English-speaking country, whether you’re going for business, school, or on holiday. Knowing the fundamentals of English travel vocabulary will help you a lot. Applying the fundamentals can lead to chances to expand your vocabulary and pick up new expressions.

Common Travel Vocabulary:

  • Carry On

A carry on is the small hand luggage that you are allowed to take onto the place.

  • Baggage Claim

Where you collect your checked-in luggage after you arrive at your destination.

  • Customs

Before you’re allowed to enter the country, you must go through customs. Here They will check if you’re bringing anything illegal into the country.

  • Arrivals

When your plane arrives at the airport, your Family and friends will meet you at arrival.

  • Check-in

Arrive and register at an airport or hotel.

  • Check-out 

Leave the hotel after paying.

  • Airline

The airline or carrier you fly with is the name of the company, e.g British Airways.

  • Identification

Or known as “ID” is the official document that you need to prove you are you, e.g your Passport.

  • Boarding Pass 

After checking in, you will receive a boarding pass that tells you the gate, seat, and flight time.

Airport Questions:

  • What time is my flight?

Sometimes flights can get delayed, make sure you know your flight time. There will be displays around the airport with your flight information on them.

  • Where is my gate?

A gate is the point of entry to the airplane and where you wait to board your flight. The gate number will be on your boarding pass, if not, check the displays around the airport for your flight information.

  • Where is the restroom/bathroom

A restroom/bathroom is Where a toilet is. There will be restrooms in the airport and in the plane.

Coming to Ireland isn’t just about improving your English; it’s about using it in real-life situations, making friends, and discovering all the extraordinary sights of this amazing country. If you are interested in learning English in Dublin, we would love to see you at Liffey College soon!

Contact Liffey College today to learn more about our English language courses in Dublin. 


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