How to choose the best language school?

It’s crucial to pick a reputable language school if you’re just beginning to study a new language. You’ll either adore every lesson or detest the idea of even attempting to learn a language as a result. Here are some things to consider when picking a language school.


Think about the location and the kind of lodging you want. A quality English school abroad should offer a variety of programs with a range of amenities and prices. Which option—living with a local family or sharing space with other students—do you prefer?

Consider your transportation options and whether they are feasible in terms of cost, time, difficulty, weather, etc.

Do not forget to budget for transportation, meals, and entertainment costs as well.

An excellent reputation overall is crucial. As with all businesses, there will inevitably be negative reviews, but if there are more positive than negative, the positive reviews should be praising the overall experience. Examine the institution’s website and social


This is a crucial factor to take into account; depending on your country of origin and the type of visa you need, travelling to a school might be challenging.

Perhaps there is a place you have always wanted to visit, but you are a solo traveller. You will be in a group of people who share your interests if you decide to take an English course.


Some English schools offer a variety of paid and free activities. These are all chances to put your new knowledge into practice with pupils at various levels and different teaching staff.

You might decide to participate in the food-related events, walking tours, or adrenaline-pumping activities. Bungee jump, trek… Or, for those who prefer to relax, how about taking up dancing or taking part in neighbourhood sports?


The school should be cosy. With modern, state-of-the-art facilities. Facilities like Free WI-FI allow learners to access the internet using their own devices. Check out school reviews to see how this element is rated. It’s essential to have a recognized language learning accreditation.

If you are interested in learning English in Dublin, we would love to see you at Liffey College soon!

Contact Liffey College today to learn more about our English language courses in Dublin.


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