(Rooms 1, 2)
Classroom 1 – Fire Exit is the Harcourt Street through the staff kitchen
Classroom 2 – Fire Exit is the car park through the back door
[Total numbers 30 + 2 tutors]
Ground Floor (Main Entrance)
(Rooms 3, 4, Reception+Admin Office)
Classroom 3 – Fire Exit is Harcourt St, through the main door
Classroom 4 – Fire Exit is the car park through the back stairs
[Total numbers 30 + 2 tutors]
1st Floor
(Rooms 5 – Student’s Common Room, 6)
Classroom 6 – Fire Exit is the car park through the back stairs
[Total numbers 15 + 1 tutor]
2nd Floor
(Rooms 7 – Dos Office, 8, 9)
Classroom 8 – Fire Exit is the main door through the main stairs
Room 9 – Fire Exit is the car park through the back stairs
[Total numbers 30 + 2 tutors]
3rd Floor
(Rooms 10, 11, 12 – Student’s Resources Room , 13 – Marketing Office)
Room 10 – Fire Exit is the car park through the back stairs
Room 11 – Fire Exit is the main door through the main stairs
[Total numbers 30 + 2 tutors]

Pre-emergency awareness / TEACHERS
- Please be sure to raise the alarm or warning with Administration if you see a fire or any other emergency.
- Only the Fire Wardens are authorised to raise the alarm with the emergency services.
- Ensure you conduct a briefing of fire exit awareness at least twice a year by talking to students and even walking them to the exits.
- If the fire is out of control and you cannot reach Administration please activate the alarm at any of the points shown in the photos.
- If fire alarm is activated please evacuate your class and take the Attendance Register with you. The Fire Warden must account for all persons inside the building.
- Inform students that the closest fire exit is the best fire exit. That they should exit the building and not move around looking for anyone or to gather personal property.
- Be familiar with the location of the Meeting Point and procedure for gathering during an emergency.
- Do not attempt to fight a fire unless you have appropriate training in fire fighting and can identify the types of fire extinguishers and their uses. Be sure to inform/alert Administration as a matter of urgency.
Overheating projectors
Please ensure that projectors are free from any blockage. Projectors become very hot and need to vent. Anything blocking the vents can catch fire. Please inform Administration if you are unsure or notice anything out of the ordinary.
- Please switch off projectors immediately after use.
- Please switch off your laptop, PC and speakers at the end of day. Teachers please note that if your classroom is not being used in the afternoon you must switch off after your AM class.
- Please switch off heaters when not in use or when not needed. Please ensure heaters are not blocked.
- Do not leave microwaves, toasters or grills on please pay special attention to these in the kitchen.
- Do not leave phone chargers unattended.
- Do not use electrical equipment with wet hands.
- Please stress the urgency of quick, disciplined and proper reaction to fire alarms and the need to remain together.
General Fire / Fire Alarm Prevention Procedures
Fire drills are conducted to reinforce the critical importance of fire safety and awareness at Liffey College and in raising general awareness.
Meeting point: Stable Lane, cars park at the back of our building.
How to get to the Assembly Point:
Front of building: Exit the building and turn right and then right again (Stable Lane) through the gates into the car park.
Rear of Building: You are already in the cars park (Stable Lane).
- Carry keys to the building (if possible).
- The Fire Warden / Health & Safety Officers must make sure that everyone is out of the building, clearing all floors and closing all doors where possible and without risk to oneself.
- Try to find out the location and even the cause of the fire.
- If you can fight the fire then do so but without placing yourself at risk.
- The Fire Warden or designate will call the emergency services if applicable.
- During a fire drill, one person must be available to answer the College phone.
- In case of a real fire, only answer the phone if safely possible.
- The fire warden must wear the fire vest.
- Take staff attendance sheet with you and count the teachers at the meeting point.
- Check with teachers if all students are present and accounted for.
- Liaise with fire services about the persons (staff & students) and building layouts.
- Do not re-enter the building in case of a real fire.
- Where safely possible, use fire extinguishers.
Please take charge of your class and ensure they follow and listen to your instructions
- As soon as you hear the alarm evacuate the room and where safely IF Possible:
a) Unplug the projector and computer
b) Close the windows
c) Close the door behind you - Ensure you keep your class register with you (you must know at all times the number of and names of the students in your class).
- Do not allow your students to stop and collect their personal belongings.
- Ensure you are aware of students out of class for whatever reason (every student must be accounted for).
- Please ensure that everyone refrains from using their phones or socialising until well clear of the building. The objective is to get clear of the building at the quickest possible.
- Teachers must keep their students together and take a roll call promptly at the meeting point. (Fire Evacuation Procedure)
- The Fire Warden / Health & Safety Officer will need to account for all evacuees (Students, Staff & Visitors) so please keep your students at the meeting point until the end of the fire drill is announced.
- Evacuate the building quickly and calmly via the stairs in the front or the rear of the building
- Do not allow students to gather on the ground floor and block the entrance
- or stairs. This is not an opportunity to socialise, the building must be cleared as quickly as possible.
- People may only return to the building AFTER the all-clear has been given by the FIRE WARDEN.
- Everyone must descend the stairs in an orderly fashion keeping to your left.
- Do not used fire extinguishers unless you are trained and only with the permission of Fire Warden / Health & Safety Officer.
- Do not gather your bags and other personal belongings before evacuating the building.
- During drills the Fire Warden / Health & Safety Officer may need to relay important information so please ensure your students pay attention as it can be difficult to control large crowds.
- When you hear the fire alarm! Follow the instruction of (i) Your tutor (ii) College staff (iii) The fire Marshell or (iv) The fire brigade. Please leave the room and the building immediately.
- Exit the building quickly but calmly (do not run, walk quickly & safely – walk one by one NOT two by two!) and do not stop to collect personal belongings (such as coat, bag, phone or your friends).
- Do not use your phones or socialise until well clear of the building.
- For safety reasons, stay off the road; use footpath/s and go to the meeting point quickly.
- Stay inside the fire assembly point (inside the car park – Stable Lane – not on the road).
- Listen to your tutor and make sure that your name is called, please inform your tutor if any of your classmates are missing. Stay with your own class so that your teacher knows where you are.
- Do not move around the building looking for other students.
- Do not re-enter the building in case of a real fire.
- Do not used fire extinguishers, do not try to tackle the fire yourself!
Thank you very much for your help and cooperation. If you have questions, please come and see us in Administration.
Update on: 18/03/2024