General English With TIE Preparation

General English With TIE Preparation


The General English Course is our most popular course. Our General English course with TIE Preparation will you improve your ability to communicate in English, enabling you to work or study in English-speaking countries and/or environments. The syllabus explicitly links the material covered to the stated CEFR objectives that learners should master at that level.

Liffey College’s General English course with TIE Preparation covers the following skills:

  • Reading
  • Writing
  • Speaking
  • Listening
  • Vocabulary, Grammar & Pronunciation

4 Days

(Monday to Thursday)



5 Days

(Monday to Friday)



Full-Time Year-Round Work & Study Course

What’s included?

(Subject to change)
  1. Medical Expenses Insurance and Policy – €100
  2. Course Fee Protection Insurance Policy (PEL) – €100
  3. Liffey College Digital Certificate of Achievement- €50 (subject to completion of course and final exam)
  4. Final/End of Course Examination – €100 (TIE – Test of Interactive English –
  5. Liffey College Registration’s Fee – €300
  6. Testing and Placement
    (i)-Learners will receive a link to take the Written Placement Test. They will answer a series of multiple-choice questions testing them on their English language skills before being placed in the correct level.
    (ii)-The Written Placement Test will be followed by an Oral Test later in the week (by phone, Zoom/other technology, or in person).
  7. New Learner Induction (
  8. Continuous Assessment/Progress
    (i)-Learner progress is monitored via the Weekly Progress Report completed by their tutor on a weekly basis.
    (ii)-In addition to the Weekly Progress Reports, learners take a Progress Test every 6 weeks. Learners are tested on the material covered in the previous 6 weeks of class.
  9. Access to E-Learning/Materials (Liffey College’s unique interactive learning platform designed by Liffey College’s academic team –
  10. Gifts with Liffey College logo!
  11. Extra Classes such as: IELTS, Conversation Class, CV Preparation/Job-hunting Workshop, Final Exam Preparation (Every month – please note these sessions are subject to a minimum of 5 participants).
  12. Learners are permitted to work in Ireland: part time (20 hours per week) and full time (40 hours per week) in June, July, August, September and from 15th December to 15th January. (subject to change).


  • Applicants must be at least 18 years of age
  • New Learners will be interviewed on arrival at College and will be asked to take an online placement test in order to join classes that correspond to their current level and knowledge of English


FULL-TIME (15 Hours Per-week for 25 weeks)

  • Morning Classes – Monday to Thursday (09:00 to 13:00) (4 DAYS) (subject to change)
  • Afternoon Classes – Monday to Friday (13:45 to 17:00)  (5 DAYS) (subject to change)

Please Note: 375 hours of direct tuition and recommended minimum 60-80 hours of self-study.

PART-TIME (15 Hours Per-week for 11 weeks maximum)

  • Morning Classes – As Above
  • Afternoon Classes – As Above
  • On-campus
  • Independent study
  • Supervised learning
  • Technology assisted learning
  • Clinics, Clubs
  • Study groups
  • Extra-curricular activities
  • Educational trips/field-trips (Compulsory to attend)
  • Cultural, sports and social programmes
  • Conversational & CV preparation classes (optional)
  • Additional exam preparatory sessions (optional)


  • That due to unforeseen circumstances (such as the COVID-19 pandemic), learning (full & part time) may take place online or in blended form.
  • How to use the learning platform/ELMS in the physical classroom:
  • A Learner who wishes to change their class time must complete a Learner “Class Time Change Request” through the learner login, please. and pay the administration fee of €300 or fee difference in advance. In certain circumstances where the fee difference exceeds €300, you will be required to pay the additional amount to cover the cost difference. (i) Class time changes are subject to availability. (ii) Class level change is first come first serve basis along with subject to availability. (iii) Learner will be allowed to change their class time only twice (2) in 25 weeks. (iv) Timing cannot be changed in the same week (only the following week, i.e., staring on the following Monday).


Effective procedures are in place to determine learners’ level of competence and/or other needs. New learners are required to take a computerised placement test during their induction. This will be followed by an oral test conducted by a member of the academic team. Learners will be assigned a starting level on the basis of these two placement tests.

After the start of the programme, levels can be changed based on in-class performance and tutor recommendation. Learners are also able to submit level change requests via the online forms available in their Liffey College login.

For more details please contact the Academic Team:


The Academic Committee selected the following (per level/course offered);

  • A1 – “English File (Fourth Edition) – Elementary” Oxford University Press
  • A2 – “English File (Fourth Edition) – Pre-Intermediate” Oxford University Press
  • B1 – “English File (Fourth Edition)– Intermediate” Oxford University Press
  • B2 – “English File (Third Edition) – Upper-Intermediate” Oxford University Press
  • C1 – “English File (Third Edition) – Advanced” Oxford University Press

Learners can buy the books from International Books Shop. Each book costs €40-€45 approximately (Subject to change).

It is recommended but not compulsory at this time for learners to purchase a course book (subject to change).

Our General English programmes are delivered using the Liffey College online platform/ELMS. The platform is designed to track learner progress and enables learners to follow the lessons from home even if they miss class. Learners must have a functional device to access the online platform. A laptop or tablet is recommended.



Learners at Liffey College are assessed on an on-going basis in order to continuously evaluate and record their progress throughout the duration of their time at the college. Liffey College operates a continuous assessment system to accommodate the learning needs of the learners completing long term courses (25 weeks).

Continuous Assessment through Weekly Progress Reports
Throughout your course, your progress is continuously monitored with weekly progress reports, which are accessible every Thursday or Friday via the student portal ( These reports provide feedback on your class performance and highlight areas for improvement. Additionally, your teacher will review your progress with you in a feedback session every Monday to ensure you are on track.

Progress Tests – Weeks 6 and 12
In addition to continuous feedback, formal assessments called Progress Tests are conducted every six weeks (on Weeks 6 and 12 of each 12-week cycle). These tests assess your understanding of the syllabus content from the past six weeks, covering key areas like grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, reading, writing, listening, and speaking. The results are evaluated according to Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR) standards.

Your scores in these tests will contribute to your eligibility for advancing to the next level. At the end of your course, you will receive a Certificate of Completion, displaying your overall progress score and final grade classification:

Distinction (80%+),
Merit (65-79%),
Pass (50-64%).

For more updated information, please refer to this link:


Many English-speaking universities accept this qualification as evidence of language proficiency for entry into their courses. Liffey College strongly recommends you to take an additional exam preparatory course.

Contacts are made (where required) with other educational providers for possibilities of progression pathways for transfer after Liffey College’s leaners complete their programme of study (QA 3.2.4).



  • TIE (Test of Interactive English)
  • TIE Examination, Re-registration and Certificate fee is €100 including admin fee (Subject to Change).
  • In-house Certificate fee is €50 for full & part-time Learners including admin fee (Subject to Change).
  • Please click on the link for useful downloads relating to the TIE Examination.
  • Please LOGIN to view our college calendar for the dates of TIE Preparation FREE Workshop Schedule.
    A good opportunity for learners if they have any questions or doubts about their upcoming TIE examination with Director of Studies.
  • Please LOGIN to view our college calendar for the dates, time & place of TIE Final Examination (External).
  • All learners are entitled to receive upon request a Liffey College certificate of completion at the end of their programme, except learners who have been expelled or who have left the programme or did not sit the final examination.
  • All full-time learners are required to sit their Final Examination the end of their course (subject to their visa conditions). For this purpose examinations are run regularly. (Final Examination Policy)
  • Any query please contact us:

Leaner will need to bring the following to the examination: (i) A pen, (ii) Photo ID (passport/driver’s license), (iii) The completed TIE application form.

Before your examination, ask yourself:

  • Do I have a printed copy of my Investigation?
  • Do I have a printed copy of the original news article/s?
  • Do I have my own notes on the news articles/s?
  • Do I have the hard copy of the book? If not, do I have a printed copy of the front & back cover?
  • Do I have my own notes on the book?
  • All your material must be in English.

The TIE includes an oral and a written exam.

Part 1: Prepared task – the learner must answer a question on either their chosen book or news story. The learner must answer one of two questions.
Part 2: Unprepared task – the learner must answer a question which they have not prepared for. The learner must answer one of two questions.

THE ORAL EXAMINATION (30-40 minutes): Usually 2 (sometimes 3) candidates
Part 1: Candidates introduce themselves.
Part 2: Candidates take turns presenting their investigation. Examiner asks questions and encourages the other candidate to also ask questions.
Part 3: Candidate A presents their news story. The examiner asks questions and encourages candidate B to do the same. Candidate B then presents their book, followed by questions from the examiner and Candidate B.
Part 4: Decision Making Task (DMT): Candidates are given 6 pictures and asked to discuss a question using the images to help them answer. The candidates interact with each other; the examiner does not participate in this part of the exam.

For more details please contact us: