Complaints Policy (QA 7.4.2)
Liffey College is committed to providing a high quality service to all its staff and learners. The college is also committed to promoting an atmosphere of trust and respect amongst learners, staff, and the wider community.
Liffey College encourages learners to voice their concerns and strives to address whatever issues that may arise in a timely and proactive manner.
Liffey College aims to:
- Respond positively to complaints and implement appropriate corrective action where necessary.
- Deal with all complaints in such a way that they are resolved in a timely, fair, and consistent manner.
- Deal with complaints confidentially to avoid disruption of mediation between a complainant and the person against whom the complaint has been filed.
- Improve and upgrade the quality of service by correcting mistakes to prevent recurrence of the same.
- Ensure that any complainant is not put at any kind of risk or disadvantage.
Complainants are expected to:
- Report to the College within 14 days of the incident occurring.
- Allow 21 days for action to be taken to resolve the matter.
- Recognise and accept that certain factors may interfere with the college’s ability to resolve matters.
- Be aware that certain complaints are not possible to be dealt confidentially due to action proceedings.
Grievance procedures apply to all learners enrolled at Liffey College to allow for consideration of the grievance and the possibility for redress. Only when negotiations fail to resolve a matter or when a problem is not satisfactorily resolved then the last option is that of a grievance procedure.
Grievance complaints may be filed on the following grounds:
- Where a learner feels an act of injustice has been committed against them.
- Where a learner feels that they have been treated in a way that does not comply with the respective policy of Liffey College.
- Where a learner feels that an assessment result has been influenced by some kind of discrimination such as ethnic group, race, religion, etc.
The grievance procedures require the learner to notify the college in writing and provide the relevant details to facilitate the process. The complaint will then be investigated using relevant sources of information such as references, tutor reports, witnesses, and the learner’s record.
Academic Matters
Learners may address concerns regarding academic matters verbally with their teachers and/or with the Director of Studies, individually or jointly. If learners first contact their teacher, and the issue is not or cannot be resolved at that level, then the learner and/or learner and teacher should submit the issue to the Director of Studies who will provide assistance. If they believe there has been a mistake in their results or their test has been marked unfairly, learners may appeal their test results by submitting the Results Appeal Form available in their student login. Such appeals must be submitted within fourteen (14) days of results being issued.
Name of Responsible Staff: Director of Studies
Telephone: +353 (0)1 444 4447 / Email:
Non-Academic Matters
Name of Responsible Staff: Center Director
Telephone: +353 (0)1 444 4447 / Email:
Complaint form:

Learners may also submit a complaint in writing, by means of the Complaint Form available online:
Both in the case of verbal and written complaints, the information and solution are entered into the online system with the name, date, class, complaint, and the course of action taken.