4 reasons to study English at Liffey College!

Are you thinking about studying English in Dublin, but you can’t decide where?

Here are 4 reasons why you should choose us!

  1. We have a career guidance programme

– Resources

Computer terminals are available for learner use for easy access to job advertisements and to assist in preparing job applications. We offer WI-FI access (Password is displayed on the college notice board).

– Appointments

Appointments must be booked in advance through Reception.

We offer:

One-on-one appointments to discuss career direction and job-seeking skills Advice on researching the job market, and preparing for an interview

  1. Study Assistance

We assist learners with the development of a long-term educational plan that includes academic as well as career goals.

These include:

– Write Assignments

– Exam Techniques

– Note-Taking

– Information about Plagiarism and academic honesty, including the use of online materials and resources

– Referencing

– Research

– Study/Revision Skills

– Time Management

  1. In the heart of Dublin

We are based within walking distance to Dublin’s most famous tourist attractions and pubs! Enjoy Dublin city life on our doorstep. Enjoy the pubs, the restaurants, the music, the nightlife, as well as beautiful public green spaces: Dublin’s Phoenix Park is the largest urban park in all of Europe. 

  1. Learner Counselling

The College offers free counselling services in full confidence for learners facing any difficulty. This is sometimes done in conjunction with a contractor/partner, to whom cases are referred/outsourced if required. Counselling addresses issues such as stress, anxiety, adjustment to college, personal development, grief and loss, relationship issues, gender issues, career, communication skills and personal crises.

Come experience for yourself what our learners are raving about!

If you are interested in learning English in Dublin, we would love to see you at Liffey College soon!

Contact Liffey College today to learn more about our English language courses in Dublin.

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